Updated 2024 Spirit Fire Roadmap

During the recent Wormhole release event we shared an updated road map for the Spirit Fire project! Here it is, in case you failed to grab screenshots during the event (tsk tsk). 



The intention for these road maps is to show when we anticipate we will be working on the different aspects of a project. The goal is to illuminate what we're working on and where our attention is, but they shouldn't be used as an expectation-setter on when things will be shared publicly or anything like that. Think of it as a behind-the-scenes look at a tool we use to guide where our attention is.

So, for example, if it says we're working on "community playtesting" in September thru November, that means we're doing things related to that during that timeframe. For some of that time though, it might mean building digital assets into TTS, preparing forms for player feedback, things of this nature. And, sure, some of that window is also when we are aiming for playtesting to be actively underway. 

Obligatory hand-wringing disclaimer: 

Everything here is subject to change.

Also, be nice to us, eh? This is a pretty version of our own internal graphs we use to allocate team members and resources and keep things on track, and the goal in sharing these is to bring you behind-the-scenes and along for the ride. The goal is *not* to trigger a flood of emails and social comments if something is listed in August and you don't see public evidence of progress on that in August. Please help us keep this type of transparency possible by not turning it into something its not. 

Click here to see it BIG

Anyway! We’re having a lot of fun on this project and we’re so excited for you to see more of it in the months ahead. As always, if you have any questions, we’re right here, excited to talk to you, shoot us an email at groundcontrol@orangenebula.com.

Much love!