Menu Music for Video Games That Don't Exist is Now Available

Menu Music for Video Games That Don't Exist is Now Available

A new type of offering from Orange Nebula: a lo-fi playlist for focus, work, study, or chill. Developed fully in-house. 


Why have we done this thing? Glad you asked. Check out this behind-the-scenes primer from last week's Wormhole event:


Here's the transcript, if you're not down to watch the thing:

We love the whole vibe and ethos of the lo-fi scene as a sort of antidote to modern hyper-ness. Relaxing, hypnotic tunes to slow down with for focus, or for letting your mind wander, or for coming back to yourself, or whatever. There’s something beautifully intentional about the whole thing. The comments sections on lo-fi stuff are often full of encouraging, supportive thoughts, which, yes, please, we love that energy. The whole thing resonates well with our whole thing.

What we’re trying to do by getting into lo-fi, is invite the community to that kind of mindset, and to explore a different type of creative outlet for our team.

We have a practice at Orange Nebula called Idea Garden. Each of us has 3 hours of “idea garden” time available to us each week where we can pursue any type of creative thing we want. It doesn’t need to be part of another project, it doesn’t need to have any evident commercial value. It’s just an investment in the value of free creative exploration. This lo-fi stuff came out of that exploration time, and we’re having a lot of fun with it, and thought you might enjoy it too.

So, enjoy this fun new thing. Bookmark it, throw it on when you’re working or exploring your own creative stuff. If it resonates and people seem into it we’ll keep it going. Today we’re dropping Menu Music for Video Games That Don’t Exist, but what about World Map Music for Video Games That Don’t Exist? Boss music? Town music? Pause music? There are a lot of video games that don’t exist, and someone needs to score them. If that’s a journey you want to go on with us, we’re into it.



Menu Music for Video Games That Don't Exist

We have genuinely loved creating this and hope it finds a place in whichever part of your life needs it.